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For the Love of Talking

Our oldest grandchild is ten. Emerson is a natural conversationalist with a sweet nature, and gentle ways. A good chat is right up her ally. Most all children start asking “why” as soon as they learn to talk, but Emerson’s questions were on steroids. When she was just a toddler, I realized Emerson didn’t care so much what we were talking about, if we were talking. I made up a game quite by accident that met her need to communicate. She caught on quickly and the two of us could talk for hours about—nothing. I’ll give you an example.

We’d be driving down the road and Emerson would pipe up from her car seat. 

“Keggie, why is that truck red?” And I’d say, “Because frogs are green.” Emerson would giggle.

“But, Keggie, why are frogs green?” And I’d say, “Because birds fly!” More laughter. “But, why do birds fly?”

You get the point. Discovering that Emerson’s never-ending questions came out of her desire for conversation completely changed the way I looked at them! My intention is to turn this idea into a children’s book at some point. I think it would be fun! But, for now, I want to share it with you so you can play it with your talkative grands, and to leave you with something else to think about. 

Something similar to our enjoyment of the talking game happens when we begin to understand that “pray without ceasing” is not only possible, it can become delightful. Oh, sure, our analogy breaks down. Prayer isn’t a childish game. But behind the Word’s instruction to live in conversation with God is our loving Father, longing for us uncover the treasure of His daily friendship. He knows it holds pleasure beyond our wildest dreams.

Hugs, Shellie


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