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For Such A Time As This

I was with my twenty-something grandkids recently discussing the situation in the world today. One of them commented that maybe they shouldn’t bring more children into the world if it’s only going to get worse. I agree, it could give us pause to think about our offspring inheriting all the mistakes, misjudges, and misinformation happening today. Then I ran across the best article challenging that way of thinking. Basically, it said God will create our children and grandchildren for the times He needs to them to be alive. WOW! I love that! Their life will not be an accident or a coincidence, just as yours and mine was not. 

God sees the beginning and the end so He knows perfectly well what the future generations will face. He is not surprised by any of it. Knowing and believing that takes all the pressure off us to produce or not produce offspring. God is in the reproductive business; He just uses us to be the vehicles for the job He has already set in motion. 

So, what is our job? Our job to raise up our children to know, love, and serve God. They must be taught that God provides the power to overcome all obstacles and that He has all authority on Heaven and Earth. We must empower them to make a difference in the world they are born into. I was born into the 1950’s, which was idyllic compared to the 1960’s, when I was facing most of my formative years.  My parents had the same fear as parents today thinking what will become of our world considering the state of the current affairs. So, what did they do? Here’s what they did. They took us to church three times a week; they prayed over us and for us;  they worked within their communities to make a difference; they made sure we were educated and taught us how to carry on a conversation; they empowered us to be leaders in our schools and churches; they taught us the value of hard work and the meaning of sacrifice; they handed down the stories of those gone before us who bravely fought for freedom; they insisted we do things we didn’t want to do because it would cause us to grow. All those things are the things needed today to raise children to be the adults of tomorrow. 

The article I read mentioned not letting our fear steal the greatness God has put in our children. I love that! Being brave about the future starts with us, the older generation. Often, we are guilty of the “what will happen to this world” mentality more than young people and, rightfully so, because our age brings wisdom that can see danger in situations that youth might not see. But we must be careful. Verbalizing the troubles of this world and pointing out the pitfalls of the future leave little room for faith and trust in a loving Father who has already promised He will provide. 

God knew David could handle Goliath. Not because David was bigger, stronger, smarter, faster, or more equipped than Goliath, but because he trusted God to deliver him. Esther was young and nervous as she faced an evil man to save her people, but she did what she needed to do. Let’s be about the business of raising David’s and Esther’s. Let’s speak about our confidence in their ability to stay strong for God, no matter what craziness the world throws at them. When others speak about “times have changed” remember times have always changed, but God never does. Your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be created “for such a time as this.” I have no doubt. 

Hugs, Chrys


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