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Don’t Scrimp When You Can Feast!

Don’t look now, but it’s that time again. You know, when we go from “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” to “Drop those pounds and drop ‘em now!” Can we talk? If it’s okay with the food police, I’d like to propose some sort of transition period between all-you-can-eat party buffets and all-you-can-eat carrot sticks. It’s enough to give a game-changing grandma whiplash!


While I may or may not have consumed large quantities of my Highly-Favored Lemon Bark candy, it’s not like I eat it year ‘round. I say a nice step-down program sounds better than going all cold turkey, which makes me think about the to-die-for gumbo I made during the holidays but again, I’m trying to get my mind off of food! I want to make a larger point about all you can eat feasts.

It occurred to me the other morning when I was reading about the Children of Israel and the manna God gave them to eat in the wilderness. For times’ sake, let’s jump into the middle of the story. The Israelites were complaining that they didn’t have anything to eat when God began sending them manna from heaven. Each day, what the Bible calls “angel food” would fall from the sky to feed the masses. God told each person to gather as much as he or she could eat in a day. The leftovers spoiled. I’ve often majored on the fact that the manna rotted if the Israelites tried to store it instead of gathering it fresh each day. I saw in that a picture of how we need to go to God for daily grace. I still believe that is true.

Right now, however, I’m meditating on a beautiful truth I’ve often neglected to celebrate. The people of God were encouraged to gather as much as they needed!  There are plenty of situations where a little dab’ll do us, but Jesus is the all-important exception, my friends. We believers can’t go to Him too much, but we can most definitely rely on Him too little. Don’t scrimp when you can feast and watch Him satisfy your hungry soul.




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