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Delicious Veggies and Brown Rice

During the month of January, my sweetie and I decided to do the Daniel fast. The Daniel fast is a spiritual fast designed around the prophet Daniel’s dietary and spiritual experiences as recorded in the Book of Daniel in the Bible. It’s a type of partial fast that focuses very heavily on vegetables and other healthy whole foods but leaves out any animal sources of protein. Many users of this Biblically based fasting method follow it for 21 consecutive days. 

  • Daniel 1:12, which states, “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables [pulses] to eat and water to drink.”
  • Daniel 10: 2-3, which says, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”

So that is what we did. We had some specific prayer requests that we determined to focus one whenever we felt the desire for dairy or sweets or anything we were fasting from. Since we are pescatarians (we eat fish but no red meat) eating lots of veggies wasn’t hard, but I do love cereal that requires milk, so that was a little hard to avoid for 21 days. 

I just want to share one recipe I did several days because it’s so good and super easy to prepare. You don’t even have to be fasting to use. It’s great for a quick meal any night and you will feel like you’ve taken your health up a notch after you eat it. 

Here you go:

  • Put on a pan of brown rice using the cooking directions given to you. It usually takes 20 mintues to cook, so your entire meal will be ready in  20 minutes.
  • Choose your veggie. I use squash, zucchini, and onions. Chop into desires sizes.
  • Use a small amount of olive oil and brown the onions first, them add squash and zucchini. Cook on medium high with a lid for about 7 minutes, then remove the lid and brown the veggies. In another pan, use a little olive oil and sauté mushrooms. 
  • Mix veggies and mushrooms and season with salt and pepper and Cavender all-purpose Greek seasoning. 

That’s it! When the rice is done, the veggies and mushrooms should be ready! Mix all together and enjoy!

Hugs, Chrys


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