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Cupa Cupa Blackberry Cobbler

My mama, you’ve heard me call her the Queen of Us All, because she is, taught us girls how to make this cobbler many moons ago, and it never fails me, so I always resort to it. I’m going to make it today with blackberries, but if it were summertime and fresh peaches were available, that would be almost a sin. Almost. I’m pushing the envelope as it is, seeing as how I’m settling for these store-bought berries instead of harvesting them from the banks of ditches, like we did back in the day. But something tells me the beloved farmer won’t be complaining tonight. Your folks won’t either. Let me show you how to do this.


4 cups of blackberries
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1 stick butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt

Mama used a casserole dish for her cobblers. I like to use my cast iron, so I preheated the oven to 350 degrees and now I’m going to slide my favorite skillet in here along with a stick of butter and let it melt. I’ve got about 4 cups of berries here. I’m going to rinse them and then I’ll take the back of a spoon and smush a few to get some juices going. Okay, let’s whip up that batter. Here’s where the cupa cupa comes in. We’ll take a mixing bowl and combine a cup of flour with a cup of sugar and whisk in a cup of milk, toss in a teaspoon of vanilla and pinch of salt, stir well, and TADA! Batter up!

It’s time to pour this into the sizzling hot skillet with the melted butter and stir. Then we’ll add spoon the fruit into the batter here and there, and slide it back in the over for about an hour or until the top has formed a scrumptious golden crust! Serve with ice cream, preferably homemade. YUM!

Hugs, Shellie


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