Computer’s Back Then!
Hey kids! Let’s take a look at how far computers have come.
Back in the early 1980’s we owned a change of discount stores call Howard Bros. Discount Store. We used NCR computers. The one in this picture is similar to what we had. Our first one was a NCR 315 and we stayed with NCR through the Century series. It filled an entire room at our office! When we did something on a computer, we had to go to this one room. There was no such thing as a computer on everyone’s desk.
The central data processor weighed 1,325 pounds! It had less than 5 MB storage capacity. Today, a lap top can have a 1 TB hard drive. That is a greater storage capacity by a factor of 300,000 and is thousands of times smaller. There is no device on the market today, including a $5 calculator you can buy at Wal-Mart that has less capacity than that computer. I don’t know what it cost, but I read where the head on the card reader was high maintenance and had to be replaced occasionally. Just that head cost $25,000.
This is a photo from our actual computer room that held the computer pictured above. The operator is Al Peterson. He is still a good friend who sells real estate.
Just thought it would be interesting for you to see how from we’ve come in the world of technology and to imagine what more can happen in the future!