Kids & Chores
What is a chore? It sounds like an old-fashioned word, doesn’t it? Perhaps it is, but the benefits of “doing a chore” are just as powerful today as they were in the old days. A chore is simply a task
Have the Hard Conversations
Because I Said So.” Sound familiar, anyone? We’ve all said it to our kids, and we might have said it to our grandkids. I have, and I’m comfortable admitting it. I’ll always contend that there are situations where “Because I
Parenting Resolutions for this Year!
Don’t we all love that God is a God of second chances? Yes, scripture tells us that we are new every morning. In every area of life, we get a second chance. Often, as parents, we feel like we’re in
How do I share my child with the neighbors?
“But, mom, please let me go over. Her mom said it was okay.” I can still hear the pleading voice from my daughter who had discovered a friend across the street. I confess. I knew in my heart she would
The Three R’s for Back-to-School Moms
Back to school can bring a myriad of new dilemmas, can’t it? From trying on last year’s pants to see if any of them still fit to deciding if whether a sack lunch or a hot lunch is more nutritious.
School Year Success
Everything we do with our kids is to prepare them for adulthood—I know if you have a little one, that’s hard to think about, but it’s true. And school, whether you homeschool or go the traditional route, is a tool for
Start Your Engines
Spring has sprung, as the old saying goes. And with a “sprung” spring, moms across America are revving up the car pool system to be ready to handle the trips to the baseball field, the soccer field, the swimming pool,