Fall’s Favorite Spice Tea
These cool mornings have me hankering for Fall’s Favorite Spice Tea. I simply love to make up a big batch of this stuff when the temps start falling. It’s nice to mix up and keep on hand, not just for
A Couple’s Shower
The bride and groom (my grandson) requested a picnic-themed couple’s shower. I was happy to oblique because, well, who doesn’t love a picnic and who doesn’t love a sweet, engaged couple and who won’t do practically anything for a grandchild.
So Many Moments
Chrys and I write and talk a lot about our desire to leave strong legacies of faith in our families. I want to encourage you today with this truth: It is easy to live pointing others to Jesus, as long
Burnt Grill Cheese & God
I remember eating a burnt grill-cheese sandwich. Totally burnt. Both sides black. Why? Because I had three little kids, and a burnt grill-cheese sandwich was the only thing I had time to eat. The kids had perfectly grilled grill-cheese sandwiches.
The Three R’s for Back-to-School Moms
Back to school can bring a myriad of new dilemmas, can’t it? From trying on last year’s pants to see if any of them still fit to deciding if whether a sack lunch or a hot lunch is more nutritious.
Don’t Settle For Less
Chrys and I recently visited Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. You may have seen those images. We did our share of playing, shopping, and eating around those interviews and Chrys may or may not second-guess traveling with me
School Year Success
Everything we do with our kids is to prepare them for adulthood—I know if you have a little one, that’s hard to think about, but it’s true. And school, whether you homeschool or go the traditional route, is a tool for
Our oldest granddaughter is several years away from a driver’s permit. It’s surreal for me to even type those words, but time stops for no one, not even grandmas watching their littles become ladies. It won’t do me a bit
We all have broken pieces
One day at camp I got a call on the walkie-talkie stating there was broken glass at the pool and the little day campers were on their way. That’s a “yikes” moment. A “yikes” moment almost always involves accessing blame. I