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Capture the Memories

I remember the day I discovered my baby book had one pertinent bit of information. Unlike my oldest sister’s book, which was mostly complete, and my middle sister’s book that had a fair number of entries, my baby book contained my name. My name. That’s it! The rest of the pages were as blank as the day the little book was purchased. I suppose being the third girl born in quick succession had something to do with it, but that didn’t stop me from lovingly harassing my mother over the lack of details. Of course, I also vowed that I would never do anything like that when I had kids. I’ll give y’all three guesses how that worked out and the first two don’t count.  If you chose, “She probably did the same thing”, you would be correct. My second child’s baby book is relatively sparse compared to the firstborn’s!

Mind you, I meant to complete both of their baby books, as well as the scrap books I started for each of them later. But, somehow, I never made the time to do it. So, why am I coming clean on my failings back in the day? Because I want to share a tip with you on capturing grandparent memories! One of the reasons those books didn’t get filled out is because I didn’t carry them with me. Like you, however, I do have a trusty phone with me at all times these days, and it has a notepad in it. You see where I’m going, right?

I have a Grand file on my phone for recording our stories. It only take a second to jot down the bare bones of something one of them said or did for me to be able to see those notes later and have all the memories flood back! Bonus– I’ve found my grands love hearing these biographical gems once a little time has gone by. It’s yet another way to connect with them.

Do you have a grand file on your handy dandy smartphone? If not, I’d heartily recommend pulling it out and beginning one now. I enjoyed a number of heart-melting must capture moments with the grands over Christmas, but I’ll limit myself to one for illustration.

It was during an early morning snuggle fest with Connor, he of the quick wit and charm to spare. “Connor,” I said, “y’all just keep getting bigger and bigger! It’s happening too fast for me!”

With the wisdom of someone way beyond his years, Connor replied without missing a beat, “But, Keggie, always remember, the bigger we get the more we can love you.”

Oh, yeah, that one went in the notebook! Did you have any extra special moments with your grands over Christmas? Chrys and I would love to hear your stories.

Hugs, Shellie


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