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A New Spin

Oh my word! There has been so much going on I’m not sure which thing to talk about today. Well, for one thing, I am trying to stay dedicated to some kind of exercise program. Now, I am a serial gym-joiner, but I am also a serial gym-quitter. I join and get all pumped up about it in January and by March 1, I’m too busy, or at least that’s what I tell myself, to keep going. So I quit, leaving months of gym membership floating around out there in the unused gym membership stratosphere. 

So, what will make this year any better? I honestly do not know. I’m telling myself I’m at that age when going to a gym is no longer a luxury (as if it ever really was). I hope you understand what I’m talking about. When I was younger, going to the gym was fun. I met new people. There was free childcare for my kids. I could easily do the step-aerobics class dance moves. The shower was nicer than the one I had at home, plus that awesome free childcare, while I took a shower. But, as the years moved on and the kids got older, my schedule got very crowded. (Can I get an Amen?  What ever happened to life slows down when you get older!!) In any case, the appeal just wasn’t there anymore. 

Yes, there were those years when I got up at 5:00 and went to the gym before work, but, seriously, what was I thinking??? Those were my over-achiever years, that’s for sure. After I turned fifty, I explored the option of working out at home and have stayed in that mindset for several years now. I no longer needed childcare. My shower is pretty nice. I have an awesome friend-group who don’t care to exercise at a gym either. I can no longer keep up with the latest dance moves. Basically, I had it made with my two ten pound free weights and a yoga mat from Academy. Mind you my decision to exercise at home didn’t stop me from joining a few more gyms over the years, just to see if I would like it. I didn’t. Back to my at home exercise program. 

BUT, today’s a new day. I’m well over sixty now and my days of even going to a gym are numbered. So, I joined again. This time I opted for the 10 for 60 plan. What’s that? You say. That where you pay $60.00 and get 10 visits, so basically $6.00 a visit. I think that’s reasonable. If I quit after ten visits then, it’s okay, I’m done. I won’t be paying money each month for a membership I don’t use. Right?

As added incentive to keep going for at least ten visits, I decided to try every class to see which one really appeals to me. I went to a spin class right off the bat because Korie and Mary Kate were going. I’m sure you’re old enough now to know that dressing the part helps to some degree, but still I was very nervous in my black leggings and sports bra, and went straight to the back row to hide from the young ones who would undoubtedly be spinning way faster than I would spin. 

I got positioned on my bike and immediately realized this would not be like a comfortable bike ride along the riverbank of the countryside. Korie said, “Mom, you have to lock your feet onto the pedals so they don’t fly off.” 

“Really?” I said, “There’s a possibility that my feet will go fast enough to come off these pedals?”

 “Yes,” she said confidently. 

That made me feel a little better about myself that she thought I could actually pedal a bike with enough speed my feet would jump right off the pedals, so I stood up a little taller, feeling quite proud of myself. Then I realized sitting up tall is not a good idea on a spin bike. The seat of a spin bike is about as comfortable a two by four. It’s best to avoid sitting straight up at all costs, so I bent over like those crazy people out riding their bikes down busy roads at 6:00 in the morning.  

Soon it was time for the class to start. The lights went down, the music went up, and the instructor started yelling. “Peddle faster,” “Turn the knob five times.” “Stand up.” “Sit down.” “Slow down.” “Turn the knob back.” 

An hour later, I’m not sure how much of the instructions I actually achieved, but I did get some exercise and it was fun being with Korie and Mary Kate. Fortunately, my fears of being discovered as the oldest and worst cyclist in the room were abated. Everyone was just hanging on for their ride, not interested in mine.

So the morals of this story. 

  1. Don’t stop. 
  2. Try new things. 
  3. Move your body more in 2020 than you did in 2019. 
  4. Don’t worry that anyone is watching. They’re aren’t. 
  5. Encourage others. 
  6. Take friends with you. The journey is much more fun when you do. 

Stay tuned for more of my exercise journey. 

Hugs, Chrys


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