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A Little Look Into Hebrews 4

In case you have not heard, I have been the director of a summer camp for nearly thirty years. I’ll give you a brief–very brief–background of my life and camp. My husband’s dad bought a hundred acres over fifty years ago (we now call them our 100 acres of holy) and dedicated it to become a summer Christian camp for kids. I came as a camper in 1967, fell in love with camp and then my husband (yes, in that order), then married them both, so to speak. I had a heart for camp from my very first year, even though everything about camping was not ME. I did not wear jeans. I did not love bugs. I did not have an outgoing, camp personality. I was prone to homesickness. Yet, camp drew me in and I have been there in some capacity every year of camp’s existence except one. Now you see why I say I married camp.

Summer camp this year is threatened, like so many other activities, of being cancelled. We can hardly imagine making the announcement that there will be NO CAMP. We are currently having online camp every Wednesday, so our campers (and us) can have something to look forward to and continue with making plans for the summer just like we always do. I think we’ll know for sure by April 30th, but who knows. 

Our plan is to study Hebrews this summer. Our theme for the summer is “Eye on the Prize.” I was reading the words in Hebrews 4 about the word of God being powerful like a two-edged sword. I thought today we would just do a little bible study.

Here’s the verse in Hebrews 4: 12, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than a two-edged sword.” Remember when we used to have to underline the subject once and the verb twice? This exercise was to help us understand that sentences have meaning. They are not just words scrambled together. A good sentence, as we learned, has a subject and a verb to tell us who the sentence is talking about and what that person, place or thing is doing. 

Being able to tell who the sentence is talking about is key to understanding the sentence and the meaning in our own life.  So, if we were to go old school and underline the subject once, we would underline the word “word.” (We know OF GOD is a phrase and goes with word) This sentence is talking about the word of God. Then we would put two lines under the word “is” because “is” is a linking verb, linking the subject, word, to the two things “word” does. Those two things are “alive” and “active.” So “is” helps us get to the important words—alive and active. Alive and active the words telling us what the subject “word” is being. 

So alive tells us that God’s word is not dead. It is not silent. It is not still. It is not sleeping. It is awake. Alert. Flourishing. It is also active. Vigorous. Full of energy. Ever moving. Ever on the go.

Sometimes we’re guilty of looking at the bible sitting on a table or on a book shelf and thinking it is an inanimate object. Just another thing taking up space in our house. But, there is nothing inanimate about the bible. It is always relevant. Always current. Always applicable. 

When we began to understand-to fully grasped-the power in knowing this, our lives will change. The next verse says, “(The word) is sharper than a two-edged sword.” Why does it need to be sharp? Why do we need this image of the sharpness of the word in our brains? Generally the word “sharp” frightens us, like a pair of scissors that we’re taught early on not to run with because they are sharp. So why choose this description? Sharp as a two-edged sword. 

I think it’s to help us truly grasp the power of the word. To stop us in our tracks and make us take note—this is monumental stuff! The word of God. So what can this mighty word do? 

The word has the power to cut you open and lay your cares and troubles and worries and hurts and frustration before the Lord. Then, after you’re cut open and laid bare before the Lord, the word, that active and alive word of God, can do its job. It can reach in and heal the hurt, comfort the sadness, repair the frustration, mend the broken, console the worry, soothe the sorrow. The words in the Bible are capable of washing over and washing out any hurt you might have. How does it do that? Because it is alive! And things that are alive can make a difference, have an impact, change things. Alive things do things dead things are not capable of doing. 

Please know that God’s word will make a difference in your life. Reading one scripture can change your day, give you strength, inspire you to better thinking, and cause you to rise up to meet challenges. With a little extra time on our hands, it’s the perfect time to start a reading plan. I’m the worst!!! Seriously, the worst! At sticking to a plan. So, I have to really plan my plan. Having the goal of studying for camp helps me stay on focus. Or working on a talk or blog helps me. But, if I don’t have a specific thing, I always know that Proverbs has 31 chapters, which is perfect for one month of study—one per day. If you notice that it is April 11, just go to Proverbs 11 and read that verse. It’s perfect!

Well, that’s my thoughts for the day. Stay safe. Wear a mask and gloves when going out. 

Hugs, Chrys


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