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Wednesday Word: Influence

Hey RIG family. Wednesday’s word is influence. It gets a lot of generic use in our culture. Today, however, I’m thinking specifically about the influence we want to have with family and friends to encourage them to build their lives on Christ, the Solid Rock. We can and we should use our words to tell them about Jesus. We can and we should give them Bibles and take them to church. But, absolutely nothing influences them more than having a front row seat to our lives and watching us draw strength, joy, guidance, and comfort from Jesus in real-time. To quote the late Antoine de Saint Exupéry, “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
Hugs, Shellie
~Pictures are from a recent girl’s trip. I had a speaking engagement in Mobile and my good friend @Rhonda Perry accompanied me. Afterwards the two of us traveled on to Dauphin Beach for a brief stay. The beautiful drift wood collection someone had amassed near the water intrigued me.

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