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God Will See A Queen

The story of David is the one about the little guy defeating the bigger guy. Right? Well, not totally. When we were kids, flannel boards were the coolest thing ever. Oh, how we loved to take the characters off and stick them back up on the board. No glue or tape. It was a close second to magic! I loved seeing the giant Goliath next to the little guy, David, and then the teacher made that giant fall to the ground. It was the best! Last year, I took my great grands to the library and guess what?? Kids still love a flannel board. I was shocked to see it still in use and I loved watching the kids marvel at this old invention, as if it was something brand new. But I digressed a little bit. 

This blog isn’t about flannel boards, it’s about learning more about the bible as we get older. If our learning stopped at the flannel boards stage (for me the 1950’s), we might miss the deeper meanings the bible stories teach us. Today I was thinking about the story of David and how complicated his life really was. If we only focused on the part where David kills a giant, indeed, we could miss many more life lessons.   

Yes, David was the smaller guy. In any story involving a giant someone is going to be the smaller guy. But David’s story is about so much more than who is the tallest. I don’t believe God included a “small guy” story in the bible to cover a potential identity crisis with small guys later in history. No, God choose David, not because he was small, but because David was faithfully doing what he was supposed to do. That faithful service put David in a place where God could use him. He wasn’t somewhere important. He wasn’t somewhere where he felt important. He wasn’t thinking about how he could be important. He was just doing what he was supposed to do. Tending sheep. Learning in school. Helping his dad. Just the regular tasks and chores that make up a “normal” life.

So many times, we think we must be in a “big” place for big things to happen to us. Or we at least we must be planning something big.  After all, how can anything big happen if WE don’t plan it. We long for “the next step” that will put us closer to the big job, the big influence, the big impact. We forget that God is already in the “big” spots and, if He wants you or me, He will orchestrate the “big” for us. You see, David didn’t choose to be king; God chose David to be king. 

Chances are you are doing something right now that doesn’t feel very important. Currently, I’m just sitting in my living room, keeping watch over John Shepherd, the two-year-old. Since I’m an older person, I KNOW that’s a big deal. Watching over our children is the biggest deal! But it doesn’t always feel that way. Never forget it’s God who decides important, not us. Our job is to keep doing what we’re doing and to stay in a place where God can use us. That means keep tending the sheep until God puts before us another job. I love the lyrics to an old Ray Boltz song. It says, “When others see a shepherd boy, God may see a king.” It never matters how we see ourselves or how we view what we are doing, it only matters how God sees us. 

You may see herself as just a grandma who spends her days making cookies and washing clothes, but God sees a queen. He has crowned you as one of his own. 

Have a great day. Celebrate who you are in the Lord and stay ready. God can always use a queen.

Hugs, Chrys


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