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Who Are You Dancing With?

Have you ever heard this saying? Dance with the one who brought you. 

As a young teen, I heard this phrase (probably from my mom) meaning I should pay attention to the one who asked me to the dance or party or movie. It was a lesson in good manners. 

I started thinking about that phrase and my relationship with God. I looked up its meaning, and here’s what I found: Be considerate and loyal to the one who has been supportive, attentive or helpful to you. 

Wow! I love that! It’s a small but powerful little saying, right? Are you doing that? 

Back in 1993, Shania Twain sang a song by that title. Here’s her words: 

You got to dance with the one that brought you

Stay with the one that wants you

The one who’s gonna love you when all of the others go home

Don’t let the green grass fool you

Don’t let the moon get to you

Dance with the one that brought you and you can’t go wrong 

So, who brought you? Who wants you? Who is going to love you when everyone else goes home? 

There is no other name but the name of Jesus. He brought you joy, peace, hope, salvation, comfort, community, love. Even on the darkest days, and we’ve had a few dark days, haven’t we, Jesus shows up. He brought you everything, so there is no need to dance with any other. 

Stay with Him. Leave with Him. Don’t look anywhere else. Don’t let anything else fool you. He is all you need. Yesterday. Today. And tomorrow. He’s the one. 

Hugs, 2 mama


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