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 • Chrys  • Summer Eating On The Run

Summer Eating On The Run

Summer time is a mix of “let’s slow down” and “let’s do all we can do.” Right? For me, I have literally been at camp every summer my entire life. I am the camp director at a Christian camp, so from the last week of May until the last week of August, I’m at camp. The good news is I don’t cook all summer. BUT, when my kids were younger, we only operated camp in the month of June, so I have a month and a half of summer cooking. Many days, I would be overwhelmed thinking about another meal, so easy preparation is always the key (or the phone number to the local pizza place.). 

Here’s a favorite summer salad that takes little preparation, but everyone loves. 

  1. One large bag of pre-mixed Spring mix lettuce.
  2. One cup of walnuts.
  3. Three or four peeled and separated mandarin oranges.
  4. Green or purple grapes, whichever you like. 
  5. And, the crowning glory, that makes it delicious is the dressing—Vidalia Onion Dressing. 

There’s something about the sweet, but mild taste of that dressing that gives the salad the pizazz it needs for happy eaters in the summer.

If you want to serve it with a baked potato, you are good to go, but just alone is perfect too.

Hugs, Chrys


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