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How to Seize the Day

How do you greet the day? Are you a bound out of bed and throw the curtains open type of person, or a roll over and cover your head girl? Strangely enough, I can identify with both. I’ll explain.

I once made an admission to my podcast listeners and website subscribers. I understand it came as a surprise to some who were convinced that I must jump out of bed every morning like Tigger the boisterous tiger. The reality? I wake up with an outlook closer to Eeyore the dismal donkey. Oh, I morph into Tigger, all right, but I start out as Eeyore and have for a long time.

My first conscious thoughts, every single morning, are irrationally gloomy and colored with familiar feelings of hopelessness that suggest living is more drudgery than delight– and really– why bother? This has been going on for years and I can rarely trace it to anything concrete going on in my life.

For the longest time I begged the Lord to take this weighty thing away from me. It persisted. I’ve quit asking. I still don’t understand it, but He has reasons for allowing it. I’ve learned instead to take the ugly to Him faster than quick. I now begin my days by slipping out of bed to my knees. This is not my daily prayer time. I’m only there briefly, mere seconds, but they are life changing moments. From something that once felt like a curse has come the sweetest of blessings as I invite God into my world from the get-go.

I have an old song on my laptop called, “Welcome to my world.” It reminds me of the invitation God makes to each of us to share our lives with Him. If you can, try to hear these lyrics as a message from the Lover of your soul.

“Step into my heart, leave your cares behind, welcome to my world, built with you in mind. Knock and the door will open, seek and you will find, ask and you’ll be given, the key to this world of mine. I’ll be waiting there, with my arms unfurled, waiting just for you, welcome to my world.”

Beautiful, yes? I’ve discovered the great joy of accepting His offer and welcoming Him right back into mine. If you haven’t discovered His soul restoring solace, there’s simply no time like the present!

O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Ps. 90:14.

Let’s embrace Jesus first thing in the morning, Rockstars. Not only will we be ready for whatever grandma adventures await us, we’ll be poised to lead our littles to Him, too!

Hugs, Chrys



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