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Back to Training

I was once a synchronized swimmer. Crazy, I know. Thinking back, I realize how grueling our practices were. We had to be able to tread water—forever! Not to mention, upside down, with our legs doing all kinds of crazy tricks. Grueling practices were necessary for me to be “throughly equipped” to master the skill of synchronized swimming. You’ve done that too. Oh, not swimming, but you studied for, poured into, worked extra hard for something you wanted to be fully equipped for. Right?
Throughly equipped. Have you ever heard that phrase before? It’s used in I Timothy 3:16-17 where we’re told ALL scripture is God-breathed and necessary to “throughly equip” us—you and me—for every good work.

We—you and me—do things every day to equip ourselves for success in our jobs, our hobbies, our relationships. But, if we want to be throughly equipped to serve God through our character, our deeds, our words, we must turn to the “equipper.”
Just like my swim coach, God is determined that we have all we need in order to do what He intends for us to do. You will never be Ill-equipped in any area if you filter what you do through God’s word. Not feeling quite equipped? Get back in training. Open your Bible and start “equipping.”

Hugs, Chrys


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