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What’s My Gift

With all the talent shows on TV and social media postings these days, it seems that everyone can sing, dance, juggle, walk a tightrope, or tell a good joke. Everyone, except me.

Do you ever wonder where you were when God passed out talents? I do. I’m fascinated by talented people. I have a two grandchildren who can play the piano by ear. They’ve never had one lesson, but play like budding Mozart’s. Well, maybe not Mozart, but still….they are talented! Me—I took piano lessons for three years and barely make it through chop sticks. Have you ever thought God must play favorites? Especially when you look at someone like, J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez), who can sing, dance, and act!! Wow! Crazy talent!

While I wish I could sing or dance or play the piano (Hey, I would settle for draw! Just kidding.), I know God equipped me exactly as He wants me to be. For all of us, our purpose on this earth is pretty simple–to love and serve God and love others as ourselves. The only talent we need is the one each of us are equipped with—a heart, mind and soul focused on God. 

God equipped you and me with everything we need to accomplish His purpose for us on this earth. Don’t fret about what you can’t do or wish you had more to work with—-use what you have to be the very best YOU. By doing this, you will shine like the star YOU are. 

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Hugs, Chrys


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