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A Stress—less Holiday (Because stress–free is probably not happening!)

Okay, take a minute and breathe. You actually have plenty of time to get your house decorated AND your Christmas presents wrapped. 

Don’t let the reason for the season “sales” distract you from the real reason for this season. Easy for you to say, you might be thinking. No, it’s not. I’m just like you. I get distracted and hurried and panic-stricken thinking there’s no way I can get it all done. 

My word, there are so many distractions this time of the year. Even in a covid-world where half of our stuff is cancelled, it’s still crazy!! The very time we’re to focus MORE on God, we often focus less. Then we feel guilty about that!! 

Why? Lots of reasons, but let’s stop a minute and look at three of the triggers for sure-fire stress. If we learn to recognize triggers, we address some of the issues and keep it from becoming a problem. 

These triggers come from personal observation and the Mayo Clinic, so I’m feeling like they are spot on. 

  1. People—My daddy told me in the 7th grade that people will cause problems and he was right. He wasn’t saying that to make me dislike people, but for me to understand that it’s goes with the territory, so deal with it. Relationships can cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time, but tensions are often heightened during the holidays. Family misunderstandings and conflicts can intensify — especially if you’re thrust together for several days. On the other hand, facing the holidays without a loved one can be tough and leave you feeling lonely and sad.
  2. Money–With the added expenses of gifts, travel, food and entertainment, the holidays can put a strain on anyone’s budget — and peace of mind. Not to mention that overspending now can mean financial worries for months to come. 
  3. Physical demands–Even die-hard holiday enthusiasts may find that the extra shopping and socializing can leave them wiped out. Being exhausted increases your stress, creating a vicious cycle. Exercise and sleep — good antidotes for stress and fatigue — may take a back seat to chores and errands. To top it off, burning the wick at both ends makes you more susceptible to colds and other unwelcome guests.

Now that we’ve recognized some of the stress-causers (I know, not a word), let’s look out some tips for some stress-lessers (okay, not a word either). 

  1. Re-evaluate your expectations—does your reality match up with your expectations. It’s a holiday stressor to expect too much out of yourself, your budget, your family, your friends. So regroup if you need to—no one will notice. Be realistic. Also in this category is to try to keep in mind that this too is JUST a season. And for many this may be a difficult season for one reason or another, but it too will pass. Your goal for this year might be “get through it” and that’s okay—just do what you can do emotionally. Don’t let others guilt you into anything you are not ready for.2. Delegate—get your family to help. You do not have to do everything for everything to be great. Get your husband to pick up a few gifts—the ones that he can’t mess up on. ☺

    4. Start early—this is hard, but crucial if you are one that suffers from holiday stress. Ask yourself, at the beginning of each day, “What two small things can I do that, no matter what else happens, will make it a good day for me?” Then do those two small things– such as ordering the turkey early and buying one gift — and congratulate yourself for achieving them.

  1. Get organized—this goes with starting early. BE INTENTIONAL! Make a list and check it twice, as Santa says. Make it a goal to get two things done each day that will make Christmas easier on you. 
  2. Use the web—what a great way to shop! Okay, this is a no-brainer these days, but it really does help with the shopping stress. Be careful, though, I’ve ordered and forgotten what I ordered, so write it down in a safe place. 
  3. Cheat on the menu and make no apologies. Have the turkey or other dishes done by a local restaurant is great or give up the idea of having to do it all and ask friends and family to bring a dish or two. I love ALMOST HOMEMADE things! Works for me!
  4. Take care of yourself—this one might be the hardest one to accomplish, but try to keep up any exercise routine you are already in or start one to help with the stress of the holiday. Nothing de-stresses like physical activity and that’s doesn’t mean more shopping!!
  5. Just say no! Another tough one during the holidays. Who wants to be the party pooper?? But, being able to turn down something will keep the stress-levels under control. This is very individual, so you need to know yourself. 
  6. Do what you can do and let the rest go! Realize that Christmas will happen even if you don’t get the perfect gift for Aunt Sally or forget to add celery to the stuffing. Just enjoy your family and friends and that lets them know the true meaning of the holiday season.

Hugs, Chrys


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