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Asking, Seeking, Knocking

Our granddaughter Carlisle Mae was spending the night with us. She was six years old at the time. We had prayed, sang, read, hugged, kissed, and more. Her night light was shining in the corner and I was about to turn off the lamp when she said, “Keggie, sometimes I have bad dreams.”

I assured Carlisle that she could come to my room anytime she wanted as often as she wanted, but I also reminded her that Jesus is always with us, to comfort us in all situations. “When I have a bad dream,” I told her, “I say ‘Jesus, help!’ as many times as I need to until He helps me not be afraid.’”

Carlisle said she did that too, and we wrapped up our night-time ritual. The next time I saw the precious child, it was three o’clock in the morning. She was standing at my bedside murmuring about a bad dream. I pulled her in close to me, whispered comforting words in her little ear, and we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Carlisle recounted the bad dream to me in minute detail, with great drama. I can’t imagine where she gets that from. You? When she took a breath, I jumped in, and asked her if she had called out to Jesus and asked Him to help her not be afraid.

My granddaughter held out her sweet little palm, with all five fingers stretched out, and announced, “Keggie, I asked Him FIVE TIMES.”

I did not laugh out loud. I think I deserve props for that. It wasn’t easy, but it did create an opportunity to talk to my granddaughter about persistence in prayer, and not giving up because it doesn’t seem like we’re heard.

Oh, y’all, let’s be the persistent widow that goes back and back again because this God we serve hears prayer. He said in His word that He doesn’t ask us to seek Him in vain, and He is not a man that He can lie. Praise Him. Does it seem like your prayers aren’t being heard? Don’t give up! Though the answer may tarry, wait for it. Persistent faith delights the Father. It’s how He turns us into soldiers. Have we asked Him five times? Let’s ask six.

Hugs, Shellie


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