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 • Beauty  • Nexus and Goldilocks

Nexus and Goldilocks

I’ve never understood my dry hair friends who claimed to wash their hair once a week. It was like we spoke a different language. I tried not to look skeptical when they talked about their hair performing better when it was dirty, but secretly, I had my doubts. This oily skin/oily hair girl simply couldn’t fathom such a thing. My hair never felt nicer or behaved better than when it was freshly shampooed. If I skipped a morning, and I would occasionally try, I was greasy by noon. 

The only exceptions to this rule were a few random forays into the perm craze of the 70’s and 80’s. Those days gave me a slight glimpse into what life could be like when one didn’t have to start every day underneath a shower head. I thought it was quite civilized, actually, but once I abandoned the perms, it was me and my oily self, together again. 

“It will change,” Mama said. 

“You’ll see,” my older friends said. 

“Just wait,” my beautician said. 

And they were all wrong—  until the day I realized they weren’t. Dry hair had crept up on me, slowly but surely. I don’t know how long I kept up my morning shampoo out of pure routine. But one day I realized that I was washing my hair out of the sheer force of habit. It just wasn’t getting greasy! That realization came with a host of new issues. I didn’t need to wash my hair but styling my crowning glory from a fresh shampoo was all I knew. How was I supposed to get that just washed look on the in between days? Any other pre-oily women out there? Anyone feeling this but me? The struggle was real, y’all. 

Dry shampoo, everyone said. That’s your answer. So, I tried them. Many of them. If I listed all the dry shampoos I’ve tried, you would fall asleep reading. Some of them were too perfumy. (I’m not sure that’s a real word, but it fits right there, so work with me.) Some of them smelled like my laundry room. Others made my hair feel gummy! I felt like I was in a bad remake of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

I was stuck between unnecessary shampoos, and foreign feeling hair and Goldilocks was not happy, not one bit. Until, oh happy day, Goldilocks met Nexxus! Hello Nexxus, I love you! Nexxus Dry Shampoo Refreshing Mist is weightless, it smells heavenly, and it literally makes my fair feel softer instead of dry and sticky! 

I don’t know where you are in the maturing hair department, but Nexxus just may be your new best friend. Try it and let me hear from you! 

Hugs, Shellie


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