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Showered With Love

It was a Saturday night many years ago when I was keeping several of my grandkids at the same time. It had been a fairly wild evening getting everyone ready for bed and then getting prepared for church the next day. My oldest grandson, John Luke, was eight at the time and I remember feeling a little guilty that I had not had time to spend any quality minutes with him because the others, who were younger, required so much of my attention. I remember telling him to go back to my bathroom and take a shower and brush his teeth while I read to the little ones and tucked them in. 

He did that and I got the little ones in bed, went back and cleaned the kitchen and did the other things moms and grandmas do before they can get ready for bed. After a while John Luke came into the kitchen and gave me hug and went to his favorite spot—the couch in the game room to settle in for the night. 

Exhausted, I finally told him good night and went to bed myself. The next morning I got up early so I could be ready before the kids woke up. I went straight to the shower as I always do. I opened the door of the shower and there awaited the best surprise I’ve ever received. 

In huge letters on the walls of the shower, John Luke had written with soap, “I Love You, 2-Mama.” 

I really cannot remember a better gift or surprise I have ever gotten in my life. Of course, I got in the shower and just cried and didn’t want to ever take it off.

Over the years, I’ve thought about that gift I received that day and what went into it on John Luke’s part. It really made me stop and think of the fact that if John Luke loves me enough to do something that special for me, then God loves me even more. What do John Luke and God have in common in their love for me? What did John Luke do to show me such love?

  1. First of all, John Luke had to PLAN this surprise for me. At some point when John Luke was back there all alone, taking his shower, he had to think, “What could I do for 2 mama that she would love?” The PLAN began in his little head. I wish I could have jumped in his head and listened as that plan formed. I don’t know if he came up with it quickly or if it took a while, but eventually he got to, “I’ll get some soap and write a note to her on the shower wall.”

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse I’m sure many of you are familiar with. You can probably complete this sentence, “For I know the PLANS I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

As much as John Luke made plan for me that night, God has even bigger plans. He thinks about me and you individually and writes my plan down in His daily planner. And they not wimpy little plans, like take out the trash, they are big, bold plans.—plans that will knock my socks off. And, here’s the cool thing. He does that for you too. He turns the page on his daily planner and there is your name and Mary’s and Ashley’s and Ercia’s and on and on. All of our names are there. 

God has plans for everyone who believes and trusts in Him. 

What did John Luke have to do next?

  1. Then John Luke had to PERFORM what he planned. If he had thought about it, but never put it into an action, it would not have had the same effect. Even if he had told me about it, I would have thought it was sweet, but it wouldn’t have been the same as actually seeing it written out on my shower wall. 

God, in the same way, doesn’t just have plans for us—He is actively working to make those plans become true. Later in that same Jeremiah passage. Remember the context here—Jeremiah was called by God to warn the wicked of their ultimate fate. After the fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiah stayed with the people and traveled with them to Egypt while they were in exile.  The passage we all know is from a letter written by Jeremiah to the people in exile. God later tells them that He will listen to them, He will be with them, He will gather them up and bring them back out of exile. God didn’t just make PLANS for his people or know the plans for His people, He was going to do what it took to make the plans become a reality.

 God performs for His people.  

  1. The last thing John Luke did for me was PATIENTLY WAIT. This is another time I would have loved to have been in his little brain as he climbed in bed that night knowing he had to wait until morning to see my reaction. What was he thinking? How could be tell me good-night that night without spilling the beans? I’m amazed even now at his patience. The patience came from his desire for me to get the most out of the experience.

Have you noticed God has to be patient with you? But how patient are you with God? Have you ever prayed for something and you really wanted to add the word “now” to the end of it? I have. We have a tenancy to want what we want when we want it. There’s a great southern gospel song that speaks to this point. It’s about the story of Lazarus and how Martha ran out to Jesus and said, “If you had been here my brother would not have died!” It had been four days and Jesus was simply too late. Lazarus was gone. 

Here is part of the song: 

Martha ran to Jesus and then she cried
“Lord if You had been here. He’d still be alive.
But You’re four days late; and all hope is gone.
We don’t understand why You’ve waited so long.”
But His way is God’s way.
It’s not yours or mine
But isn’t it great when He’s four days late- He’s still on time!

I wish sometimes that I was as patient with God as He is with me. Like John Luke who closed his eyes that night knowing I was going to get an amazing surprise the next morning, God closes His eyes at night and knows the plans He has for us. He desires to perform for us and He is willing to patiently wait for the perfect time to carry the plans out. 

As you go about your busy week, be thankful for God’s plan, His performance, and His patience as He shapes you into the Christian woman He desires you to be.

Hugs, Chrys


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